Sunday, January 31, 2016

Our New Shop and a Grand Opening

Hello!  I hope you all had a great weekend!
We are finally making some progress on the new shop.  Remember when I said we had a wonderful opportunity come our way involving a great old building right smack 
in the heart of our quaint little town?  
Well here it is!
(Ignore the ginormous pots of trees, they are getting picked up.)
This building is amazing.  The area is amazing and we are honestly so thrilled.
We are making a huge life change to go for our dreams and it is so exciting and scary at the same time but I think thats what life is about, you know?  
Taking a chance and going for what truly makes you happy.
We still have a lot to do, 
even though the inside doesnt really need anything but painting and cleaning.  
Heres a view from the inside.
Pretty cool, huh?
The ceiling is way up there and is decked out with the original tin tiles.
And Im crazy about the double stacked windows and wood trim.  
I cant wait to polish that up.
Even the view out the window is amazing.  
Love the brick with the vine creeping over it.
And the view down the sidewalk.
There are so many cool businesses and buildings in the historical area of our city and Im going to be sharing those with you over the next month or so as we count down to our grand opening.
Heres the view from the opposite direction to the left.
This is a great little place to eat, too.
And a perfect little junk store, right next door, where I bought the hutch I recently 
added to our dining room.
I love that place and the owners are so friendly.
So when will the grand opening be?
Our goal is October 15 and not a day later.
Heres what Im thinking for the window......
(just for design purposes, not really on the windows)
I really would like it to be symmetrical, however, the bar divide down the center of the window is making it difficult for me to figure out how to achieve this. Do we put it all on one side of the window?  Or ignore the bar and put the whole thing in the center?  Im just not sure but I do love it on the window and I love the font.Would love to hear your suggestions on placement!
We are so excited about this journey!  
And cant thank you enough for your amazing support and encouragement
youve given us here in blogland!
We hope youll come see us!

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