Sunday, June 19, 2016


I found a Doernbecher desk that needed my help.
Doernbecher was a furniture manufacturing company established by Frank Silas Doernbecher
in Portland Oregon from 1900 until WWII.
I found a nice little write up that I thought you may enjoy reading.
My step-grandfather started working for Mr.Doernbecher when he was nine years of age. The factory had just been built and put into operation. My grampa started as a sander which ment that he worked twelve hours a day for six days a week. He made 50 cents a day. When he retired at age 45 he was the superintendent of the finishing department and one of the highest paid emploies of the company. He had made enough money working there that he never had to work another day in his life.
If this man started when the factory opened and continued to be there until he retired,
the likely hood that he touched this desk is huge.
You can find a side by side before and after pic here.
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