Friday, May 13, 2016

The Grand Opening

Hello!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Our Grand Opening was a huge success and I wanted to share a few photos with you of the big day.   I was so glad to have friends and family there to take photos for me.  We couldnt have asked for a better day, except that I wish our oldest son would have been there to enjoy it with us.  Unfortunately, he had to work.  But I know he really wanted to be there.
I really wanted to make our customers feel special so I thought refreshments would be nice.  Here I am getting the table ready before we opened the door.
I have a friend who has a daughter who loves to bake cupcakes so I hired her to bake 100 mini cupcakes for our customers.  They were completely gone in a couple of hours.  I served apple cider, as well.
We were completely shocked by the number of customers we had.  We were truly blessed.
While my hubby is a genuine people person and very outgoing, I have somewhat of a social phobia and was quite nervous.  But I truly enjoyed meeting the customers that took some time out of their day to come by.  It meant so much to us.
I feel blessed that I get to work along side my hubby.  It was a rough few months but we finally got it all done and are open for business.  Starting this new adventure is something we have been talking about and planning for several years.  It is such a rewarding feeling to see our hard work pay off. 
I want to say thank you to all of you for your encouraging comments and emails.  This truly couldnt have happened without your encouragement and support along the way.  :)  Even with the struggles...what an amazing journey this is.....
Up next.....Im finally finishing up my oldest sons room redo!  And I have some exciting things to share...soon!
Have a great day!

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