Tuesday, January 26, 2016

ANSWERS TO THE BURNING QUESTIONS industrial dresser how to

Many of you asked how I redid my Industrial Dresser,
so here are some of the answers.
 $45 worth of shop casters were bought from Princess Auto and installed.
Found at Home Depot, $25 of industrial chest handles were bought and installed.
The top surface, the sides of the body, and the drawer faces were all stripped to bare wood.
All the wood then had 3 coats of wax applied, polished between each of course.
Now thats hard work!
The drawers on this dresser werent sticking but they did ride like they were traveling
down a dust back woods gravel road.
 It was quite obvious why once you saw that they had been constructed with plywood strips
with the grain running sideways as well as large nail heads sticking out.
So off they came, all 10 of them.
They would have to be replaced with something of the same thickness.
 Out of my stash of molding I found the perfect solution.
I measured, cut, glued, and used a couple of finishing nails to replace all 10 of the
drawer glides.
These drawers now run like they are on a newly constructed highway.
I used embossed heavy weight paper on the face and edges of the cabinet body.
It was adhered with wall paper paste. The edges of the top surface and the drawer stringers
were painted with silver metallic paint.
Im really happy with how this turned out. It would look spectacular in a loft setting.
It definitely has a modern industrial feel, with a touch of fancy added from the embossed texture.
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