Sunday, April 3, 2016

THIS LITTLE PINKY pink chandelier

Ive been able to get a few projects underway around here just for us.
70% of our Christmas decorations put away, only because Im doing a full re-organizing of them all.
Weve had our first big snow fall Saturday, more on Monday and still more forecasted this week.
Not typical for a Vancouver winter.
I did take advantage of the pristine white snow when photographing this daring
chandelier I just finished.
Just last week it was warm enough to spray paint outside and have it dry in 10 minutes.
I only do chandeliers every now and then because they
 can take countless hours of painting and embellishing.
Someone did try to DIY this one before I got it but they must have lost steam.
I used a soft pretty pink spray paint from Krylon.
The 5 light arms are lined with several meters of garland beads secured with nylon line.
I added the metal crown feature at the top stolen from my electrical parts department.
** Parts Department = Rubbermaid bin sitting on the shelf **
The hanging beads and flower embellishments I used on this chandelier
were all purchased at Michaels for a pretty penny.
But I had a goal and Im extremely pleased with the finished look.
The flowers are a translucent acrylic material.
Hand made in Thailand, each petal is stitched around a center crystal.
They are extremely cool.
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