Saturday, April 30, 2016

AND THE OSCAR GOES TO paisley highboy

Trying to make this one write like an epic story,
as you scroll down the page seeing each photo
 I want it to feel as if youve just turned the page of
 a mystery novel or the next movie scene.
This would be the front cover of our book,
 designed specifically to entice you.
Chapter 1
We first see a glimpse of the past
and feel sympathy and concern.
Chapter 2
Then curiosity starts when we see
a bit of magic in this tale.
Chapter 3
A good story has many ups and downs.
Chapter 4
Dark clouds of days gone by now weave their way in.
Chapter 5
But every good epic has a hero, a warrior,
or just a supporting actress to steal the shiny Oscar.
Chapter 6
The long hard battle begins ....
Chapter 7
Every arsenal used .....
Chapter 8
Defending against evil ....
Chapter 9
with a trusty shield of armour .....
Chapter 9
The hero triumphs
The Finale
Everyone lives happily ever after
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