Friday, February 12, 2016

MAGICAL TOUR the urban gypsy

Ill give some insight into the photos you are looking at shortly.
Yesterday was quite the day.
We had a deliver to make to North Van,
(those who dont know thats a good hour away from home)
then to pick up several pieces of my finished work on Kingsway to bring back home.
I did some pedaling of my wares on the street corner.
Okay it wasnt totally like that but we did have 2 customers pick up pieces
as we were loading the van. 
And I want to thank those customers for saving us a bit of time, energy, and space.
But my favorite part of yesterday was dropping the Jack Dining Set off
at another store on our way back. (all these photos were taken there)
Jason, the stores proprietor and I have conversed via email for some time
and just before we left the house for the days adventures
He emailed asking if I wanted to bring the dining set in to display at his store.
Truth be told I didnt have to think on it too long,
the set was never going to get top billing in our small space,
and I welcomed the prospect of finally meeting Jason.
I didnt realize what I was getting myself into! (in a good way)
I was overwhelmed at how wonderfully welcoming he was to us
and complementary of my work.
After pulling me behind the counter to show me photos of a painting project he had done,
(in ASCP) he took us on the tour.
And what a tour it was!
Hes incredibly knowledgeable about his inventory,
all of which is beautiful solid wood furniture hand carved and imported from India and Asia.
The first time around I didnt even think to take my camera out, I had to go back around a second
time to do that. No skin off my back I was thoughly enjoying the view everywhere I looked.
Admittedly Im not a huge fan of Indian decor but the WOOD is so beautiful.
Jason also showed us a Tibetan Singing Bowl
(i think thats what it was called, hell correct me if Im wrong)
And it really does sing in a matter of speaking.
Unfortunately I did not get a photo of it because I was so memorized.
I think I might want one!
Needless to say the Union Jack Dining Set is available and on display at:
The Urban Gypsy
614 Columbia St
New West
www.theurbangypsy.comThere are more detailed photos to look at on the URBAN GYPSY web site
but if you are in the area plz stop in to see Jason and everything he has to offer.
It really is magical!
Make sure to ask to see the singing bowls.

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