I was surprised at the interest in the crack-house dresser that I had painted. I had listed on CL and got quite a few calls. I even had multiple buyers for it on the same day. The person asked me if I was going to be doing any more like it. So, when I came across these two siblings, I thought I could paint one in the same fashion. So I did!
Like my garage??? 3 dressers (four if you count the one you cant see) a hutch and a buffet....all awaiting my time. Yeah, ok, sure...Ill get right on that. The two siblings are on the left with the oh-so fetching coat of arms brand-thing is what Im working on. The one below is the smaller of the two. I dont even know what that green/yellow monstrosity is, even the owner didnt know what it was. All I know was that it had to go bye-bye. Some wood filler and a good sanding, and away it went.
So...here it is,,,,crack-house dresser paint #2!
This one was in far better shape. I refinished the top and shined up all the brass hardware.
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