Just so you guys dont think Im a total color junkie, I decided to something a little more sedate. This may sound goofy, but I look at a piece and let the color speak to me. Huh?? Ok, break out the tarot cards. No, I mean, I never like to go against the piece. I dont want to force it to be something than it really is. Ok, I sound like a complete whack-job. I like to wear those nice white coats with the funny sleeves! No, really, I just like to keep it real. Oh shut-up already. Here is the newest member.
Not really sure why my dog is tasting the mirror.
So I found this off of CL (surprise!). The entire piece is veneered in birds-eye maple.
I havent seen this type of dresser done in this wood. Usually its oak or mahogany.
It wasnt in terrible shape but the veneer wasnt all that great that I would have wanted to leave
it unpainted. At some point it had been painted white and the people I got it from stripped
down to its original state. They didnt do all that bang up of a job.
There was some water damage and the veneer was lifting pretty good along the bottom.
Glue and wood filler fixed this issue. However, I had no choice but to paint it now.
Heres a quick peek after waxing in the garage. I decided to leave the top as is. Just cleaned it up and
applied a new coat of stain. This was such a warm piece so I chose a soft buttery yellow. I love the way it plays up the golden tones in the wood and key hole covers. As usual, I made my own chalk paint.
I had a Behr "oops" sample of this yellow. I used every last drop.
Those original handles had to go! Luckily I had 6 of these mother-of- pearl knobs from Hobby Lobby that went perfectly with the color!
I thought I would try something different and stencil the sides. I had some MS semi-gloss paint in "Custard" that I thought would contrast nicely. However, after I pulled the stencil away, you could barely see it. I wanted it faint, but not this faint! I didnt have enough of the other to paint over it, so I just left it.
I also refinished the mirror. Restained and coated with dark wax.
The drawers were in pretty good shape, but the actual bottoms were icky. I always like to line the drawers to jazz things up a bit! This piece is going up " For Sale!!"
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